Monday, June 27, 2011


"While I'm wide awake, she has no trouble sleeping
'cause when the heart breaks, it don't break even"

- The Script

Where do I begin to explain my love of this song? Maybe it's the fact that it feels like a slightly more grown up Backstreet Boys jam. Maybe it's the clever play on gambling terminology. But most likely, it's the belt-ability in a car in the rain with good people. I will be forever grateful to Josie Biteng's February Fun mix (a couple Februarys ago) for this one.

The lyrics of this song are very interesting to me. I feel like everyone can relate to this: in love, even in friendship, things always seem uneven. One person is more invested and more likely to get hurt. I don't know why we can't escape this, but it makes for good music.

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